After this, we set out back to Campo di Fiori, where we had eaten pizza and sandwiches the day before. Grabbing our meals, we set off a short distance to eat outside the French Embassy, where there was some seating around the square in the shade. I remembered being in this square many years ago!
Our feet had never fully recovered from yesterday’s long journey, so many of us returned to the dorms. While Alissa stayed to (smartly) catch up on writing and photos, I went out with two friends to shop. I showed Jordan and Nicole the area around the supermarket, where many shops from all price ranges lined a long main street. We shopped for various shoes and lingerie, and even glanced at a few cheaper clothes shops, as well as outdoor stalls. We were only spotted with rain, thankfully!
When five rounded the corner, we shortly returned to our campus. Everyone changed and met for dinner, going out to meet special friends of Jackie’s who live in Rome and are contemporary artists. Though it is hard to find modern art here in Rome, the artists that partake in non-classical arts have made quite the feat. It is good to see that there is an art market growing here that is not completely marble. We met two artists who owned a joint space of their own, where they work and sell their art together – a rarity. Many artists in Rome often create and show in other’s galleries, but this was not what worked for these two. Francesca, an art-jewelry creator, made some incredible pieces. The other artist, a man whose name I can’t remember currently, was a painter of many styles and subjects. Both of them answered our questions kindly, and enlightened us on inspiration and meaning behind their works. Though neither like commission or take it regularly, their work was amazing! They let us snap some quick photos:
We set out to have dinner with Francesca at a local pizzeria joint, where I once again had margarita pizza. However, following that came a delicious bowl of Tiramisu. Though my photographs make the cream look an atomic yellow, it was truly great! As my first dessert here in Rome, I fully approve.
Catching a tram home, we first were happy to be off our sore feet in an over air conditioned bus, though Dan soon let us know we were going the wrong way. Running off on the next stop, we caught the next tram in the other direction before walking some more, and transferring to the bus home. After a long day I was glad to get into bed, but it was a fun night!
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